Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scream 4 Dine In Experience

I just saw Scream 4 and I am proud to say it did not disappoint. I actually went to one of those Dine In movie theatres too where you get served dinner and watch the movie. It was my first time at one of these and it was pretty cooool.

Let's talk about the theatre first, I did a Cinema Suite which is fancier than the Fork and Screen. It had recliners and that was amazing, definitely worth the extra $3 compared to the Fork and Screen. Though, I've never done a Fork and Screen but I know they don't have those recliners so yeah. The food was okay, I had a veggie quesadilla. I liked the bonuses though like cookies and cream popcorn, mint chocolate at the end, warm towels. They had amaaazing drinks, I had an Oreo Mudslide yumm. Nice little experience, would definitely do again if I want to splurge a little. It's a little pricey $15 for a ticket then you have to pay for the food, too. Food was okay, your basics but still a nice little variety.

Anyway, Scream 4. Wow. It was incredible. Some people may argue with the fact that do they really need another? Why bring it back, the third one sucked anyway just leave it alone. Sometimes though it is nice to add on another sequel I think. Especially with a film like this and after all these years. It's nice to regenerate your love to a series and even give it more love. I'm a huge fan of the Scream series, such a dork about it too, and this movie was made for people like me.

Wes Craven is such an underrated filmmaker. I love how he utilizes the whole experience of the film, instead of just telling the story, he finds ways for the audience to really get involved and think and make it interactive. I love how he shows certain specific parts to test you out and intentionally leaves out others. Everything from the doppleganger of Billy as Jill's boyfriend even when he climbs through the window to the creepish scene with Sydney and the lady cop to try and help or throw off the audience to who the actual killer is. I love the throwbacks too like the denim jacket at the end the one kid wears, the whole stabbing each other scene. The funny jokes like how Stab is directed by Robert Rodriguez (actually the scenes shot were directed by him, so clever!). The whole social commentary they have in the beginning with the new Stabs and how movies like Saw and networking sites like facebook affected the whole Scream reality and horror movie industry 10 years later. Kevin Williamson wrote an incredible reboot to the series. Most importantly, the twist does not let you down. I guessed 1 of them but the other was such an incredible curve ball. I loved it. I could geek out for hours about this franchise, seriously, I love it. But I don't want to give anything away.

Scream is such an underrated franchise, in my opinion. They are such great films (with the exception of the 3rd which wasn't terrible just wasn't great). They're great because yes it's a slasher movie but anyone can see them. There's jumps and surprises but there's also laughs, too. And I just love the interactive aspect. Nothing beats seeing a guessing game film like this for the first time and you are shocked to see the ending.

Definitely worth it to see, such a great reboot. The twist was amazing. Movies like this definitely reignite your love of these franchises. I hope they don't force a Scream 5, I mean it's inevitable there probably will be one but don't make it just because you have to like Scream 3. Make it because you want to like Scream 4. See it!!

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