Sunday, April 24, 2011

The future.

Happy Easter, everyone! Hope yours was lovely. I worked til 3 then had dinner with the family. Work was so slow but I got to watch 4 episodes of freaking Eerie Indiana on Hulu which was so awesome. I missed that show. I also got deep fried cheesecake for dessert which was both insane and awesome, but you know totally worth it. It's Easter it's okay.

I'm going to attempt to blog a lot on here, I feel like it might motivate me more to do stuff. Using the excuse of writing about stuff I've done or my thoughts or what I plan to do, maybe it'll make me want to do more.

I want to do a lot but I always feel like I do nothing. Let me elaborate. I want to act and do stand up and travel and have a great blog and just live. I feel like I am doing nothing with life. I do write my reviews for my blog and I am going to Spain. But I do go on auditions occasionally but many are student films or nothing serious. I am trying hard to write my stand up but haven't gone on any open mics September/August. I just get such writer's block and when I do write about celebrities or anything by the time I want to do an open mic the jokes become stale. I feel like I need to go somewhere, move to Chicago or LA, maybe if I live on my own I will be more motivated. I want to move farther away because as much as would love to live in Manhattan none of my friends do. A lot of my friends here too aren't into acting, they're content with the lives, many are in serious relationships. I have many friends in Chicago that are into acting/directing/theatre maybe if I'm in that environment with them it'll push me more. In LA I have like 2 friends but I feel like I can make friends there and it might be easier and it's nice and warm.

I don't know, I've just been frustrated with life lately and something needs to change. Any tips? I'm pretty terrified of my future right now, not going to lie.

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