Friday, April 22, 2011

Life update.

I'm going to attempt to keep up with this blog and just post things I like from opinionated pieces to inspiration to my life and everything in between.

Today was one of those "I guess kind of productive but I feel like I didn't do anything days" meaning I woke up at noon and worked on a student film. By worked on I mean I sat around for 5 hours until they wanted to do my scene which took about 25 minutes to shoot. Of course I did get $10 and free pizza. But overall, I feel like it was a waste. Especially because I was all pumped to go to the gym but by the time I got home it was like 8:30 and I just didn't want to do anything.

So I've been sitting on my computer doing just that. Zoning out to tumblr and watching shows from yesterday.

I also ate some Ben and Jerry's and half of a huge muffin. So much for working out I did just the opposite. Ugh.

In other news, I am going to Spain. Spain and Ibiza to be correct. Yup, I just decided to fuck it all and book a Contiki tour by myself. Why not right? Maybe I will meet my own Javier Bardem, Eat Pray Love style, hahaha. No but seriously many of my friends are too poor or too lazy to go anywhere and it kind of frustrates me. I do understand some of them but others I feel like are bullshitting. They say they're poor yet they party all the fucking time. I don't want to spend my life wasting it away by drinking or whatever all the time. I want to see the world, so I will do just that even if I have to do it solo. I'm also thinking of going to Portugal while I'm in that area just because. I haven't booked airfare yet so the itinerary is still up in the air but who knows. I'm pretty excited though, something to look forward too and it's definitely a huge passion of mine. I hope to go to Costa Rica as well this summer to visit my friend but we shall see.

Well, I guess that's enough for now. I should probably go to bed considering I have to be up in 6 hours for work. Ugh.

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